Jamestown City Council has received a draft of the Residential Home Improvement Incentive Program.
The program was funded with $500,000 in American Rescue Plan monies in June 2022.
Department of Development Director Crystal Surdyk said there are changes being made to how the program will operate, “One of which is, we did add some income limits which is 125% of area median income and then we sort of restructured it so there’s still a 10% match requirement for homeowners to apply. It’s up to $2,500 in either direct payment to a contractor or they can pay for it and then get a rebate.”
Surdyk said the Department of Development is taking over administering the program from the Assessor’s Office. She said it will be rolled out once Council signs off on the program structure.
I have called Crystal Surdyk & have never received an answer. I have left messages at DOD with no result. I need a new roof & though these Funds will not cover the total cost they will help me get the roof on sooner thus alleviating more damage to my home.