Collaborative Children’s Solutions’ Pat Smeraldo address Public Safety Committee
A local organization is hoping to bring four events to Jamestown this year.
Collaborative Children’s Solutions‘ Pat Smeraldo made a presentation to the City Council Public Safety Committee about the activities he has begun working on.
CCS was the organization that took on organizing the downtown holiday parade this past December.
Smeraldo said it’s his mission to collaborate with the city, local agencies, and schools to create events that are family friendly, “To create seven days and evenings within the city starting from June 2022 to Christmas time, to go back and run four separate events. And actually since I met with the Mayor and his team last week, I’ve been approached about a couple other things.”
The four events include two with the Jamestown Tarp Skunks, events on Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day that include the traditional Sunday festival in Bergman Park, and the downtown holiday parade in December. All four events would include fireworks.
Council member Marie Carrubba requested that Smeraldo look into the possibility of the use of “low noise fireworks” for the four shows due to concerns about how fireworks affect pets and people with PTSD.
Public Safety Committee Chair Brent Sheldon said Smeraldo is working with the city on all of the events and has his own sponsorships. He is expected to be filing the special event application permits and insurance certificates needed in the near future.
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