U.S. Senate Candidate Chele Farley (center) made an appearance at the Mid-Knight Dairy Farm in Jamestown to promote her agriculture agenda.
JAMESTOWN – The Republican candidate challenging incumbent U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in this year’s election was in Chautauqua County on Monday to promote her platform for helping dairy and agriculture in New York State.
U.S. Senate candidate Chele Farley of New York City said that if she was elected, she would do a better job ensuring farmers in New York State were getting the help they needed – including pushing for better deals in Trade Pacts as well as ensuring more aid would be available when the market struggles.
“Sen. Gillibrand’s very first bill that she put forward was a Farm Bill, which I would absolutely support. Unfortunately that, like the next 304 bills that she put forward, didn’t get passed. We need somebody in Washington who can actually get things done and help New York,” Farley said.
Farley said the proposed U.S. trade deal with Canada and Mexico that was announced last month will provide some help and New Yorkers need a Senator who will work on and support revised trade deals with other global partners as well – claiming that Sen. Gillibrand would rather fight the Trump administration and its proposals rather than work with the administration to ensure New Yorkers are getting their fair share. That not only includes reworking trade pacts, but also crafting and passing the overdue federal farm Farm Bill.
“Reauthorization of the Farm Bill is two years overdue and while farmers struggle here in New York, Sen. Gillibrand is busy campaigning in Georgia and around the country,” Farley said. “While there was good news last week as Canada agreed to end its so-called ‘Class 7’ trade quotas and tariffs with the US as part of an agreement to modernize NAFTA, more help is needed now. Dairy prices have been on a long decline and the impacts of the new trade agreement won’t be felt immediately.”
Farley appeared with both Senator Cathy Young and Assemblyman Andy Goodell as well as County Executive George Borrello Monday afternoon at Mid-Knight Dairy, located off of Fluvanna Town Line Road in Jamestown.
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