DEC Pride image with photos courtesy of: Pink- Keith Walters; Red- Joey Priola; Orange- David Goetzmann; Yellow- Kayla Lippke; Green- Will Gard; Blue- Tony Colasurdo; Purple- Keith Walters
The 2024 “Love Our New York Lands” photo contest is underway in New York State.
The online contest will feature five monthly themes through mid-October, with the winning images receiving prizes and featured in statewide digital and print campaigns to help increase awareness of important principles and guidelines that encourage safe, accessible, respectful, and sustainable use of public lands.
Each month of the Love Our New York Lands contest will have a different theme. June’s theme is “Pride” to highlight the importance of sharing State lands with all New Yorkers, including the LGBTQIA+ community, and ensuring a safe and welcoming space. Seven winning pictures will be chosen that represent each color of the rainbow Pride flag: pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo/violet. The Pride pictures will be used next year in a curated compilation similar to this year’s image created by DEC, among other potential uses.
Prizes will be awarded to the winning entries. Photos will be judged on the following criteria: originality; artistic composition; technical quality; and whether the photograph showcases people enjoying New York’s outdoor activities safely and responsibly.
Pride month submissions should be emailed to social@dec.ny.gov by June 30 with the subject line “LONYL Photo Contest.” Full name, the DEC land where the image was taken (if applicable), and Instagram/social media handle should also be included. Themes for future months of the contest will be announced later this summer.
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