Plastic toiletry bottles will be banned in New York State hotels starting in 2025.
The State Department of Environmental Conservation said that starting January 1, 2025, any New York hotel with 50 rooms or more will no longer be allowed to provide any small plastic bottle containing a hospitality personal care product. On January 1, 2026 this ban will include all New York hotels.
Hotels will no longer be allowed to provide personal care items in containers of 12oz or less. The banning of these personal care items in small plastic bottles is intended to reduce plastic waste in hotels.
Any hotel that violates this law will face penalties, which are as follows:
– 1st offense – Hotel will be issued a warning with requirements to correct the violation within 30 days.
– 2nd offense – $250 penalty
– $500 penalty for each additional offense
All monies collected shall be deposited to the credit of the environmental protection fund.
Governor Kathy Hochul signed the bill, originally introduced by former Senator Todd Kaminsky, in 2021 as part of a package of environmental protection legislation. The effort to ban the items is part of a larger push to reduce single-use plastic in the state.
I hope that existing supplies are grandfathered in.