National Grid Regional Director Ken Kujawa presents a $50,000 check to Manufacturers Association of the Southern Tier Executive Director Todd Tranum with Manufacturing Mayhem Day Camp students standing on the right
The Dream It Do It Program has received a $50,000 donation from National Grid.
Representatives from National Grid were in Jamestown Thursday to see the Manufacturing Mayhem Summer camp students in action.
National Grid Regional Director Ken Kujawa said Dream It, Do It and Buffalo Niagara Manufacturing Alliance contacted the utility company last year about supporting the summer camp.
He said the program helps students learn about manufacturing, careers in manufacturing, and opportunities that are available, “So that as they progress through, you know, some we have some students here that are in eighth grade, but you know, a lot of high school students. So that as they’re progressing through high school, and they have to start thinking about a career and what they want to do, we want them to think about and understand that there’s opportunities right here in the Southern Tier, with manufacturing companies that are down here.”
The Manufacturing Mayhem Technology Camp is a week-long project-based experience that teaches steps within the manufacturing process. Held at Jamestown Community College’s Manufacturing Technology Institute, students learned the importance of problem solving, communication and teamwork. They also met with representatives from area manufacturers, who discussed various career opportunities in manufacturing.
Kujawa said National Grid sees the donation to the camp as ultimately supporting its customers, “If our customers can see that there is a skilled labor force individuals that they can hire, that can come work for them, and that allows those companies to stay here and even grow here, then that’s good for the community. It’s good for the individuals, and it’s good for National Grid. So, we see it as a win win for everybody.”
Kujawa said the experiences the students got to have during the camp, including learning how to weld to build rocket stoves, and building marshmallow launchers is amazing, “Maybe today, you know, in this week, a few of these students that are here, maybe their interest gets piqued that, ‘Boy, I had a really good experience doing welding work. Maybe it’s something that I can make a career out of.’ And, so that’s our hope.”
For more information about the Dream It, Do It program, visit https://didiwny.com/
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