Jamestown City Councilmember Bill Reynolds argues for changing the start of daily alternate parking to November 1st (September 23, 2024)
While daily alternate parking begins at 10:00 a.m. today in the City of Jamestown, there could be changes for 2025.
Jamestown Police remind residents that vehicles should be parked only on the odd-numbered side of the street during odd-numbered days and only on the even-numbered side of the street during even-numbered days.
Today is an odd-numbered day.
Daily parking alternates at 10:00 am each day. There is no grace period.
At Jamestown City Council‘s work session on September 23, Council Member Bill Reynolds said he’s talked to a number of citizens who are requesting that daily alternate parking not start until November 1, “And I’ve heard it might be awfully expensive to change the number of signs to read that along with having a local law amended to allow that change to happen, but I came up with an idea of, instead of having to buy whole new signs, we could buy fancy stickers, or maybe not magnet ones, but something simple to say November 1st is the date.”
Council President Tony Dolce and Mayor Kim Ecklund stated the local law couldn’t be amended in time to go into effect this year, given that any changes to a law would have to sit on council members’ desks for 30 days before voting on, during which time October 1 parking rules would already be in effect.
Ecklund said Reynold’s suggestion to not enforce the alternate parking rules during October while Council went through the process to update the law would be confusing, “It’s beneficial for the residents that know, but it’s certainly not beneficial for the tourists, and it’s certainly going to confuse the heck out of police officers that like, ‘Do I ticket? Do I not?'”
Ecklund recommended holding off until November to have discussions and a vote on the law.
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