Empty Bowl Project Coordinator Mary Beth Southwick and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Father Luke Fodor pose with some of the bowls available for purchase at the Empty Bowl event on Saturday, December 7, 2024
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church will host its Third Annual Empty Bowl event this Saturday.
The event will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on December 7 in the Undercroft of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and features hundreds of hand-crafted bowls by local artists and members of the community.
A purchase of a bowl will include a free soup lunch that is provided by the Labyrinth Press Company, Ashville General Store, Food Access Manager Nick Weith, and other local chefs.
Empty Bowl Event Coordinator Mary Beth Southwick said the event represents the generosity of the community, “Everything is donated. The potters are donating their time, their materials, and their art. And the chefs who are making the soups, same, their skill, their knowledge, their product… it’s so generous. And there’s no cost to come into the event. The bowls are really inexpensive.”
Bowls will be priced at between $10 and $35.
St. Luke’s Pastor Luke Fodor said the event isn’t so much a shopping event as it is a gift giving event, “We all get gifts in our lives and everything we have is a gift of sorts. Whether that comes from the sun’s rays to come upon the earth to grow our food.. it’s the same idea as this. We’re giving gifts and with that gift giving ecology we share our abundance. It can feel like ‘If I don’t get there early I’m not going to get the bowl I want,’ but it’s really not like that. There are so many bowls, there is so much abundance that it’s not really about scarcity and competition, it’s really about abundance and cooperation.”
Fodor said the proceeds of the event will benefit the Jamestown Mobile Market and St. Susan’s Center.
He said the Mobile Market is about empowering people to understand nutrition and learn how to cook for themselves, “We’re able to get people fresh, local, largely organic vegetables which we sell kind of at wholesale cost and even subsidize further with those double-up dollars as well. So people can get a lot of value in the best, bountiful time of the year. We usually have a nutritionist on site to explain helpful ways of preparing food, often without even cooking them, but make them delicious and get the max nutritional benefit.”
The event also will include a raffle with gift cards from local businesses and art work by local potters.
For more information, visit https://stlukesjamestown.org/
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