JHS 2024 Homecoming Court Pictured in the first row from left: Bella Lisciandro, Emily Cardinale, Kate Kathman, and Nilla Ecklof. Pictured in the second row from left: Grayson Bloomquist, Cole Bloomquist, Lincoln Carpenter, and Jarren Cotter
Homecoming festivities are underway this week at Jamestown High School.
Events scheduled this year include a Spirit Week, athletic events throughout the week, the annual parade, a dance, and a powderpuff flag football game.
Homecoming athletic contests include varsity girls soccer hosting Olean at 4:30 p.m. today at Strider Field and varsity girls volleyball will host Olean beginning with the JV match at 5:00 p.m. at the McElrath Gymnasium.
A Homecoming Court has been selected at Jamestown High School ahead of the Homecoming Parade and Varsity Football game on Friday, October 18 at Strider Field.
JHS seniors Cole Bloomquist, Grayson Bloomquist, Emily Cardinale, Lincoln Carpenter, Jarren Cotter, Nilla Ecklof, Kate Kathman, and Bella Lisciandro were selected by their classmates for Homecoming Court.
The JHS Homecoming Parade begins at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, October 18 at Allen Park and ends at Strider Field. Following the parade, the JHS Football team will kickoff its Homecoming matchup against Hutch Tech at 7:00 p.m. The Homecoming Court will be presented at halftime with the crowning of Red & Green Royalty. There is no cost to attend the parade or Homecoming game. A powderpuff flag football game will take place on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. at Strider Field.
The JHS Homecoming dance will take place on Saturday evening at the Jefferson Middle School Gymnasium. Pre-sale tickets can be purchased from Mrs. Merchant in room 152, the main hallway and pool doors after school, and the School Store. The cost is $5. Students must purchase presale tickets. There will be no tickets sold at the door.
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