A map highlights the BPU Substation property proposed for annexation, with the red line illustrating Tiffany Avenue, the border between the city and the town of Ellicott/Village of Falconer.
Jamestown City Council will vote tonight on approving a settlement proposal between the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities, Village of Falconer, the town of Ellicott, and the Falconer Central School District to discontinue the annexation litigation.
Falconer, Ellicott, and the Falconer School Board have all approved the settlement proposal.
Under the settlement, there will be a 20% reduction in the assessed value of the Dow Street Substation property that will last ten years. The property is currently assessed at $6,592,856. The reduced assessment will be$5,274,284.
Also as part of the settlement, the City of Jamestown will agree to discontinue its annexation proceedings. The resolution will appear under new business.
Also under new business will be a resolution to use unspent American Rescue Plan funds for improvements at Nordstrom Park to purchase a new scoreboard, bleachers, and top fence protection.
City Council had approved $180,000 for new playground equipment at Nordstrom Park as well as the construction of a handicapped accessible path to the playground. The resolution states that $31,000 of the remaining $42,000 would go toward the new updates.
Nordstrom Park is the home field for the city’s youth recreational baseball program.
An insurance survey by NYMIR recommended replacing the out of code bleachers in addition to the fence top protection around the ballfield.
A staff report said other improvements to be made at the park include fence repairs, dugout roof repairs, and new amenities.
Another new business item is the rescinding of a resolution passed in February by City Council regarding a Jamestown Local Development Corporation loan to Wicked Jimmy’s LLC. A replacement resolution with updated terms for the loan that JLDC passed on May 15 will be voted on. The JLDC board approved a $350,000 loan at 5% interest with a 20 year term. The previous conditions of the loan were 4% interest for 10 years.
A resolution authorizing the submission of the city’s 2024 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development also is under new business. The city has been granted $1,104,690 in Community Development Block Grant funds and $297,575 in HOME funds for 2024.
A final public hearing on the Annual Action Plan will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. That will be followed by a public hearing at 6:15 p.m. regarding the New York State Home & Community Renewal’s Community Development Block Grant-CV . A third public hearing will then be held at 6:45 p.m. regarding the approval of a cable television agreement between Spectrum Northeast, LLC and the City of Jamestown.
Council will hold a work session at 7:00 p.m. with the full voting session taking place at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. All meetings are open to the public with the public hearings and voting session being livestreamed on jamestownny.gov.
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