Seven Jamestown businesses have received American Rescue Plan funds for building improvements. The Jamestown Local Development Corporation board approved funding $75,624 to the businesses in the latest round of the Building Property Improvement … [Read more...]
JLDC Funds Strategic Planning Proposal To Help With Workforce Development
A strategic planning proposal to help with workforce development in the non-construction trades has received initial funding. The Jamestown Local Development Corporation heard a presentation from Manufacturers Association of the Southern Tier … [Read more...]
City Employees Among Recipients Of Grant Funds
By Eric Tichy and Julia Ciesla-Hanley Editor’s note: The following story is a collaboration between The Jamestown Post-Journal and 107.9 FM WRFA-LP. Several Jamestown employees were among more than … [Read more...]
City Council Approves Nearly $1 Million in Non-Profit Grant Funds, Votes Down Funding for NCC, St. Luke’s
Jamestown City Council on Monday night voted down funding the National Comedy Center and St. Luke's Episcopal Church with Non-Profit Assistance Grant funds Council was presented with resolutions totaling $1.3 million for seven organizations … [Read more...]
City Council To Vote on Non-Profit Funding
Jamestown City Council will vote on approving $1.3 million in American Rescue Plan funding to seven non-profit organizations. The Jamestown Local Development Corporation has already approved funding from the Non-Profit Assistance Grant Program to … [Read more...]
JLDC Approves Funding For Non-Profits
The Jamestown Local Development Corporation has approved the allocation of $1.5 million in Non-Profit Assistance Program funding to local organizations. JLDC board members opted to go with scenario four, as recommended by Jamestown Mayor Eddie … [Read more...]
Jamestown City Council to Review $6.9 Million Bond For Capital Improvements
Jamestown City Council will review a proposal to bond for $6.9 million for capital improvements to City facilities. According to a staff report, the projects include Municipal Building Roof & Façade; security enhancements, window replacements, … [Read more...]
JLDC Won’t Vote This Month on Allocating $1.5 Million in Non-Profit Assistance Grant Funds
The Jamestown Local Development Corporation does not expect to vote on allocating the $1.5 million in Non-Profit Assistance Grant funds this month. JLDC Board member and City Council President Tony Dolce said there isn't a quorum for possible … [Read more...]
JLDC Board Hears Downtown Programming Fund Requests
The Jamestown Local Development Corporation heard three requests for Downtown Programming funds totaling $48,320. The Italian American Charity Golf Association is requesting $30,000 to bring in electric violin quartet, Femmes of Rock, to the Reg … [Read more...]
Jamestown Local Development Corporation Considering Four Scenarios For Funding Non-Profit Grant Applicants
The Jamestown Local Development Corporation will consider four scenarios for funding Non-Profit Assistance Grant program applicants. The Non-Profit Assistance Program was funded with $1.5 million in American Rescue Plan Act monies. Nine … [Read more...]